(303) 399-1800 info@sewallchild.org

Sewall is delighted to share Brooke’s first time walking by herself. Brooke and Blake are twins in the “Otter” classroom, one of Sewall’s inclusive programs. In February, Brooke walked for the first time without her walker. She was cheered on by her teachers, fellow classmates, and staff members. She made quite the trek down the hall on the first floor. When she started to feel tired, she held onto her sister’s chair for support, but kept on walking. It was quite the moment for Brooke and for everyone at Sewall. To all our friends and supporters, thank you for making this special moment possible!

SAVE THE DATE – Friday, May 3rd

Celebrates a Campaign for Sewall, “We are ALL Better Together”

Join us for 75 years of serving Denver.

Denver First Church of the Nazarene
3800 E Hampden Ave, Englewood, CO 80113
Doors Open: 11:30 a.m. | Program and Lunch: 12:00 p.m. to 1:15 p.m.

Featuring Keynote DaeSean Hamilton, Denver Broncos Wide Receiver,

and Special Honorees, Chris and Anne Patton

You are invited to join us as we celebrate our 75th anniversary and kickoff our campaign for Sewall: “We are ALL Better Together.” With the momentum we’ve gained with partners like you by our side, we are excited to embark on the next 75 years of serving more young children and families.

Excited to join us?  Individuals register here.For sponsorship opportunities, click here.

 Welcome New Board Members!

Sewall is excited to welcome our two newest board members, Tyler Gomes and Kali Handford.

Tyler Gomes
Tyler Gomes

Tyler Gomes was excited to join the board this January. Tyler is a graduate of the Partners in Leadership program and is the proud father of Davin, who has 2q23.1 Microdeletion disorder and who just started preschool. Tyler graduated from the University of Colorado at Boulder with a finance degree and is currently a contractor with the federal government. In his spare time, you’ll find him skydiving, kiteboarding, skiing, or working on his Jeep. He and his wife are currently expecting their second son in May.

Kali Handford

Kali Handford

Kali Handford is honored to have joined the Sewall Child Development Center Board of Directors in Fall 2018. She learned of Sewall through her time as President of the Junior League of Denver, who partners with Sewall on Kids Connect. Kali worked in high tech before starting up as a restaurant entrepreneur founding Berriegood Co. in 2015. She is a lifetime Buffs fan with a BA in Communication from CU-Boulder and MBA and MS Marketing degrees from CU-Denver. She is an amateur foodie who is passionate about pilates, horseback riding, and volunteering alongside Sewall on the Junior League of Denver Foundation Board and Children’s Museum Birthday Bash. In her spare time, you will find her enjoying walks around Wash Park with husband, Duncan, and their fur-baby, Axton, the bulldog.