Sewall staff’s endeavor is to incorporate the Reggio Emilia approach into daily practice. This early childhood education philosophy is a child-centered curriculum that uses self-guided and self-directed, experiential learning that occurs in relationship-driven environments. The approach is based on the principles of respect, responsibility and community through exploration, discovery and play. This past spring, the University of Colorado, Denver began offering the Reggio Emilia inspired course online. Thanks to a generous gift from Karen and Jim Possehl, we are excited to share that 48 staff completed Module 1 and 35 are pursuing Module 2 online. Participation is excellent and the class has been exciting and a positive opportunity for staff to incorporate their learning into their daily work.


Save the evening of Thursday, November 19th, for Sewall’s first virtual hybrid Beacon Celebration featuring Dr. Temple Grandin. Temple Grandin was diagnosed with autism as a child and went on to pursue work in psychology and animal science. She has become a leading advocate for people with autism and has also written books and provided consultation on the humane treatment of animals. Zoom webinar link and RSVP to follow soon.
If you weren’t able to join us in June for our first virtual town hall, you can still check it out. Just click the image below. We had a panel of three: Heidi Heissenbuttel, CEO; Dr. Liz Mendez-Shannon, VP of Programs, and Ian Watlington, longtime Sewall supporter, and advocate for systemic justice for people with disabilities and people of color. We discussed how Sewall is responding to the COVID crisis and the recent events with Black Lives Matter.
Black Lives Matter Click here to read our commitment and statement.
Emergency Family Relief Fund Impact Story
Crystal attends the Zone in Green Valley Ranch and came a long way to be part of the Sewall family. Her parents, Melisha and Lamo, brought the family to Colorado from American Samoa in 2017 when Crystal was just a year old, to access better medical care. More than 2,500 miles south of Hawaii, 2,000 miles north of New Zealand, and almost 800 miles from Fiji, American Samoa is right in the middle of the South Pacific Ocean. Sewall Emergency Family Relief Fund helped pay for a car repair required several months into the pandemic. Crystal and her big brother James are pictured here, holding their Sewall check. We are very impressed with Crystal’s family coming all this way and are proud they consider themselves part of the Sewall family.
Make a difference in a child’s life that will last a lifetime.