Images Taken Before COVID
Summer Program Highlight
Sewall is excited to welcome children back on-site for the school year. Sewall not only provides an essential service with inclusive, full-day childcare at 5 sites, but also provides necessary early intervention to young children with learning differences. Every precaution and safety measure has been taken to ensure that children, families, and staff are safe and protected for those children whose families are ready to return. Some remote services will also be delivered to young children with Individual Family Service or Education Plans that are not ready to return.
As of June, we implemented a three-phased reopening plan as we transitioned from remote learning to a hybrid format of serving children and families on-site and remotely:
- Phase 1 – On June 2, Sewall opened three classrooms: two at The Koelbel Building at Fillmore Street and one at the Dahlia Campus for Health & Well-Being. Phase 1 ran from June 1 through June 30.
- Phase 2 – On July 1, four classrooms were opened at The Koelbel Building, two at Dahlia, and two at The Zone and included many children through Head Start.
- Phase 3 – On August 17, Sewall opened five classrooms at The Koelbel Building (plus a staff childcare room), six classrooms at The Zone, and two at Dahlia. On September 8, many of our satellite sites will re-open, in conjunction with Denver Public Schools.
Sensory Garden Reception Honoring Marilyn Brown
On Thursday, August 13th, Sewall celebrated Marilyn Brown, long-time partner and supporter, by dedicating the sensory garden in her honor. It was named “A Joy-Filled Garden: Mimi’s Garden.” A small group of about 20 people were on hand and several joined via Zoom to recognize Marilyn and her late husband, Doug Morton, for their generous support of the children and families served by Sewall and, most especially, their recognition of and dedication to early childhood professionals.
19th Annual (Virtual) Beacon Celebration
Join us via Zoom or Facebook Live on Thursday, November 19, as we celebrate 76 years of serving Denver. Although we will not be able to meet in person, we have a fun evening in store: from Reggie’s authentic humor and charismatic style, to Dr. Temple Grandin’s key insights, to an exciting paddle raiser and silent auction – all to benefit the more than 600 children and their families served by Sewall. Find out more >> Become a Sponsor >>

During this time of social distancing, now’s a great time to checkout Temple Grandin the movie.
It’s available for rent on Amazon and Youtube.
Thank You to Summer Volunteers

Sewall board members Steve Holloway, Barb Bieber, Tyler Gomes
and a family from REACH Charter School volunteered to weed and spruce up the
Sensory Garden at The Koelbel Building in Congress Park.
Sewall was fortunate to also have six Scout volunteers and two parents from BSA
Scout Troop 199, as well as two volunteers from Girl Scout Troop 1048. Total
service hours contributed was approximately 32.
Thank you volunteers for all of your hard work!
Over the past school year…
You have helped make a difference in your community! See how your support has impacted the world around:

Early Childhood Development Fact
Did you know that for every $1 invested in early childhood education, $13 is returned in savings down the road?