(303) 399-1800 info@sewallchild.org

At Sewall Child Development Center, we know that teachers make all the difference. Sewall is very excited to feature David Solano as this year’s Beacon Celebration keynote speaker.
David is a former Sewall student and is now a teacher and coach in Arizona. David was born with arthrogryposis, a condition that causes joint contractures, or loss of a joint movement due to shortening of muscles. Living without limitations, this teacher and coach doesn’t give up.

David is excited to share his story at this year’s Beacon Celebration: “Sewall in our family means a ton. My mom and dad said Sewall is the reason that I do what I do in life. I can’t wait to share that.”

Please join longtime Sewall supporter, Marilyn Brown, by stepping up and supporting our teachers for this coming year! With the current needs that Sewall is facing, Marilyn has agreed to match every gift made from now through Colorado Gives Day (December 4th) dollar for dollar up to $50,000 to support our teachers! If we can raise $50,000 from our community, Marilyn will match this with an additional $50,000!